Friday, April 15, 2022


Going thru infertility is grieving what you thought your family would look like.

Growing up being a mom was always the one thing I wanted more than anything in the world, and still to this day although it has been the biggest struggle of my life it is still the one thing I want more than life itself.

I always thought by my early 30's I would have at least two kids, here we are 6 months after turning 37 with zero babies & struggling to become pregnant even with IVF. 

My mom was always my best friend, even on days I may have disliked her, or in my eyes at the time "hated her" because she was just being a mom & caring about me 😭.

I honestly do not know what I would do without my mom even to this day, even if she lives 4hrs away she will always be my biggest hero, biggest supporters & my biggest rock.. growing up I always envision I would have the same relationship with my babies one day that my sister & I do with our Mom & some days I struggle to feel like it will ever happen because things have been so hard.

Some days I just want to scream in anger, cry my eyes and heart out because I struggle to keep my faith or find it again after its been lost.

I am not ready to give up on my biggest dream and hope more than anything it comes true soon. 

Dear Peanut

Oct 3rd was your very first ultrasound, after two amazing betas coming back positive and way higher than expected,  first one needing to be ...