Saturday, March 19, 2022

Things your friend going thru infertility wishes you could see.

Even though you think she is strong, she is having a hard time holding herself together after another failed transfer.

She may not look like she is falling apart but her heart is shattered in a million pieces, every time her dream gets pushed back.

Just because she has a smile on her face doesn’t mean she isn’t torn up inside and struggling to keep it all together.

Every time her cycle fails she feels like it pushes her dreams further away from reality.

Every time she is out in public and sees a pregnant person or new born baby her heart breaks even more than it was before.

Infertility is on her mind 24/7 and not just some switch she can shut off, because it consumes her life, a huge part of her life.

She would never wish how she feels on her worst enemy.

When you announce your pregnancy, she is happy for you, but devastated for herself. 

Wondering why she can’t have kids is a question always at the front of her mind, why her, what did she do so wrong?

She is grieving the life she thought she would have by now, and the dream that has yet to come true.

That although she would never wish this on her worst enemy sometimes she wishes people would have to walk in her shoes to know how she feels. Because they will never understand.

She is anxious, all the time & not because she wants to be.. but because it comes with the territory of infertility and she can’t just turn it off.

She really loves you and your kids, but if she goes MIA and doesn’t talk to you, or see you for months or years it’s not because she doesn’t want to be your friend… she does, but seeing you have what she wants more than anything is hard to watch.

She cries, a lot… like all the time & really wished she knew how to stop.

Even though she has a tribe behind her & knows it, she can’t help but feel like it’s the loneliest journey in the world.

Even if she appears to be happy, she is struggling deep down & needs you to check up on her but doesn’t want to ask.

She doesn’t mean to ignore you when you stop talking for weeks or months.. but sometimes she needs a break from everything.

• She knows deep down you don't mean to be insensitive, but asking if she's ever thought of adoption, or a surrogate hurts her more than anyone will ever understand.

• She would walk to the ends of the earth to make her bigger dream of becoming a mom come true.

• She can't help it when the fear takes over, even when she would rather stay hopeful.

• She doesn’t need the toxic positivity, if you aren't sure what to say just tell her how sorry you are she is stuck walking this heart breaking path, instead of telling her to stay positive.

• Some days her heart breaks more than others and she wishes she could just hide from the world. 

• She loves babies but sometimes can't be around them because it hurts her heart more than anything.

• She doesn't expect anyone to truly understand how she feels because she knows it's impossible, even if you've been thru the same thing.

• She doesn’t want to be sad, but infertility is all consuming and not something she can just let go of, it is her reality.

• She would do anything to not have 5 million doctors up in her business.

• She will never be the person she was before Infertility & needs you to support her instead of abandon her.

• Sometimes she really wants to cry but tears won't come out, and not because she's trying to be strong.

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